Saturday, May 12, 2012

Modern Manners - Cafe etiquette

This week I've encountered some hellish customers in cafes who need to re-read the book of etiquette, and then some!
So today I've picked my Top 5 Modern Manners for the Cafe/Restaurant to share with you.
See what you think...

CAFE - Dos and Don'ts 

1. If you have made a booking, DO arrive on time.
- If your group is not the punctual type, organise your meeting with flexibility in mind (for example, takeaway coffee in the park).

2. DO order with efficiency.
- Stand well back until you decide what to order.
- When ordering, make eye contact with and greet the cashier. Be clear and concise in your order.
Don't carry on a conversation with others while ordering (phone or the company you're with)
- Have your money ready.

3. DO use the manners you taught your children/were taught as a child. 
- Say please and thank you. Particularly as your order arrives and when leaving the cafe.

4. DON'T overstay your welcome
- Don't linger near close time, complain when refused service after close time or stay past your booking time. Be considerate of the venue/staff and organise your catch up with plenty of time to spare for an enjoyable experience all round.

5. DON'T expect to use the facilities if you aren't a customer. (The bathroom, WC... Whatever you call it, Don't shop and plop! Vulgar it may be, but it has to be said) I don't care if you're a paying customer, just work it out... AT HOME!
If you must use the facilities, DO tip for the convenience or make a token purchase in gratitude.

Here are some more great reads on wine etiquette and dinner etiquette

(What are your etiquette Dos and Don'ts when you're out and about?) x

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