Saturday, August 27, 2011

Get your green on

Plant terrarium via here
Way less scary than keeping a spider, a plant terrarium is the next best thing... and it's good for the environment

Gorman clothing here
Australian eco clothing that's beautiful quality + quirky prints, patterns and styling. Think Luna Lovegood in the real world. 

Boskke (upside down) planters via here
A contemporary way to add some green to your living (or work) space.

WeWood watch via here
Made from natural materials (like um, wood) Worn by celebs such as Colin Firth and the BEP boys.

Do you have any favourite eco pieces/projects? Do share! x

Friday, August 26, 2011

Beautiful words

Penguin books by jillian tamaki

Just beautiful

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Oh what a beautiful morning

 Love this blog (images via)